
We will be using a course packet available at 참글. I have upload the course packet for Fall 2011; however, this is only for reference.

Course Overview

The general purpose of this course is look at various ways to teach listening and speaking. The course will begin by examining the role of grammar in the EFL curriculum, and from there go onto explore frameworks for teaching receptive, productive and integrated skill lessons. Students will use this theoretical basis to take a unit/chapter form a National Curriculum English textbook to create a unit plan for the teaching of listening and speaking. Finally students will create a detailed lesson plan for either teaching a listening, speaking or task-based lesson and then teach that lesson to their peers.

Lecture Notes

Lecture notes from a previous semester are available for preview and/or review. As time permits, I will update the files.


Grading Criteria

20% Attendance (10%) and active participation in class activities (10%)
20% Homework on readings
25% Unit Plan
25% Detailed Lesson plan
10% Sample Teaching



Attendance is mandatory: Participants who arrive to class 10 minutes or more after class begins will be considered late. Participants who are late 3 times will receive 1 absence. Any participant who misses 1/4 of all class meetings will receive an F. Mastery of the ideas and concepts of this course requires engagement and discussion. If you are not in class, you miss that opportunity to exchange ideas. Moreover, participation is also essential. Just coming to class is not enough. I expect all participants to be active in class discussion and lectures as well as to complete all oral and written assignments.

Homework on readings (20%)
It is essential to be prepared for each class by completing the required readings. This will provide you with the background knowledge on the topic and allow you to participate actively in the class discussion. In order to ensure that you have read the required readings for class, you will be expected to do a short homework assignment for the reading. This homework assignment involves answering the guiding reading questions (see below). These homework assignments are to be submitted at the beginning of class. Late submissions will NOT be accepted.

Unit Plan (25%)
Each participant will be choose a unit or chapter form a National Curriculum textbook and to use the theories and frameworks presented in this course to design or adapt the textbook chapter to research supported ideals of language instruction.

Detailed Lesson Plan (25%)
Each participant will be asked to choose a lesson from their unit plan and describe that lesson in detail. Participants will be free to choose either a listening, speaking or task-based learning lesson to describe and then to teach.

Sample Lesson Teaching (10%)
Each participant will be asked to teach the lesson that they described above to their peers. Teaching will be assessed in terms of the ability to implement the plan. Suggestion and feedback about the lesson will be provided by both the supervising professor and the participant's peers.
                     Students will be assessed on the criteria listed below:

5 = Excellent 4 = Good 3 = Average 2=Below Average 1 = Poor

1. Teacher implements the technique and principles of the framework in the lesson.
2. Procedural steps are followed.
3. Teacher shows an understanding of the activity, method, principles and techniques.
4. Activities demonstrate creative input on the part of the teacher.
5. Activities are appropriate for learners' age and level.
6. Instructions are clear and comprehensible.
7. Teachers voice is at an appropriate volume and sufficiently clear.
8. Teacher manages the time of each activity appropriately.
9. Teacher is organized.


Additional Resources

Video Part 1: Task-Based Learning Video Part 2: Task-Based Learning

Tentative Semester Schedule



In class activities/Assignments

Week 1


Introduction of students, lecturer and course

Week 2

Place of Grammar Instruction in the ESL/EFL Curriculum

Discussion/Lecture about reading

Week 3

Receptive Skill Framework: PDP

Discussion about reading
Sample Lesson & Processing

Week 4

Productive Skill Framework: EIF

Discussion about reading
Sample Lesson & Processing

Week 5


Flex-week: Bicycle metaphor & Clarification of the receptive and productive frameworks. Role of scaffolding in teaching and planning

Week 6

Task-based Learning

Discussion about reading
Sample Lesson & Processing

Week 7


Discussion/Lecture Concept of the unit plan

Week 8

Defining Learning Objectives for ELT

Discussion/Lecture about reading
Workshop on writing learning objectives

Week 9


Workshop/Conferencing unit planning

Week 10


Unit Plan Due
Discussion/Lecture Lesson Planning & Lesson Plan Template

Week 11


Workshop/Conferencing lesson plans

Week 12


Lesson Plan Due
Discussion/Lecture Sample Lesson Teaching Purpose - Schedule - Rubric

Week 13


Sample Lesson Teaching

Week 14


Sample Lesson Teaching

Week 15


Sample Lesson Teaching

Week 16


Sample Lesson Teaching (if necessary) Course Evaluation & Survey

